
Showing posts from 2021

Which state of India produces most of the Coal ?


India's oldest oil refinery is located

Digboi (Assam)

Tungabhadra Sanctuary is situated in which state ?


Where is Bandhavgarh National Park ?

 In Madhya Pradesh

In which state is 'Jaldapara National Park' famous for Indian rhinoceros ?

West Bengal

Mithun (Gayal) is the state animal of

Arunachal Pradesh

Tungabhadra Sanctuary is situated in which state ?


Kaziranga is known for what ?

One horned Indian rhinoceros.

The state Bird of Rajasthan is

Great Indian Bustard

Sariska Bird sanctuary is situated in

Alwar in Rajasthan

Where is India's biggest wildlife sanctuary for Gir Lions ?


The 'Periyar Wildlife Sanctuary' is in which state ?


Hazaribagh Wildlife Sanctuary is located in which state ?


Nandankanan Tiger Reserve is situated in which state ?


In which state is 'Dandeli wild sanctuary' situated ?


In which state 'Kanha National Park' ?

Madhya Pradesh

The Indian Board of Wild Life was established

in 1952

Kanziranga Tiger Reserve is situated in which Indian state ?

Kanziranga Tiger Reserve is located in Assam. It is famous for one horned rhinoceros. It was established in 1905. This declared as wild life Sanctuary is 1950, as National Park in 1974, in the year 1985 on the world Heritage  List. It was declared a Tiger Reserve in 2006.

Dil Hasti Power Project is related to river ?

Chenab River

Pong Dam is built on which river ?

Beas River.

The Tehri Dam is built on which river ?

Bhagirathi River

Alamatti Dam is built on which river

The Krishna River

On which river is Hirakud Dam situated ?

Hirakud Dam is situated on MAHANADI River in Odisha.

In India, four seasons in cyclic order are found

Winter Season (15 December to 15 March) Summer Season (16 March to 15 June) Rainy Season (16 June to 15 September) Autumn Season (16 September to 14 December)

Where is the lowest rainfall in India ?


Maximum rainfall in India

Cherrapunji (1087 cm.)  and. Mosiniram (1141 cm.) receive maximum rainfall in India.

Which is the largest longest river in peninsular India ?

Narmada River

Which river is 'Sorrow of Bengal' ?

Damodar River

Which was declared the national river of India ?

Ganges River

Which river is called ' Ganges of the South India ' ?

Godavari River

The river originated from Himachal Pradesh are

\ Beas, Ravi & Chenab

Where is the Kaveri river finally fall ?

Bay of Bengal

Which rivers fall into Arabian Sea ?

Sindhu,  Sabarmati, Mahi, Purna, Narmada & Tapti.

Leh (Ladakh) is situated on the banks of which river ?

Indus River

Which is the Longest river in South India ?

Godavari River

Where do Bhagirathi and The Alakananda Rivers meet ?

Devprayag (Uttarakhand)

Ganges river system

The origin of Ganga river is from 'Gangotri Glacier' near 'Gomukh' in Uttarkashi district of Uttarakhand. Here Ganges is called Bhagirathi. The longest tributary river of Ganges is Yamuna. Chambal, Betwa and Ken tributary river of the Yamuna. Ganges is known as Padma in Bangladesh. Padma confluence with Brahmaputra (which is known as Jamuna in Bangladesh) falls in the Bay of Bengal. Ganges is the largest river of the India. River Ganges and Brahmaputra form 'Sundarban delta' which is the longest delta in the world.

India's highest peak

India's highest peak is K2 (8611 m), which is located in the Karakoram range.

Largest and smallest state in terms of population

UTTAR PRADESH is the largest state and SIKKIM is the smallest state in terms of population.

Uttar Pradesh shared it's boundaries with maximum states and UT

Uttar Pradesh is the state attached with largest state (8 states) and Union Territories (1 UT)  :- Uttarakhand, Himachal Pradesh, Haryana, Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand, Bihar & Delhi.

India's Last Boundary Point

South Point :- Indira Point (Great Nicobar Islands) North Point :- Indira Col (Ladakh) West Point :- Gaur Mata (Gujarat) East Point :- Kibithu (Arunachal Pradesh) The South Border :- kanyakumari (Tamil Nadu).

Which country is largest producer of Natural Gas in the world ?

United States of America (USA).

Etihad Airways is the which country's Airline ?

United Arab Emirates (UAE)

Which country's old name was NIPPON ?


Which country is known as "Sugar Bowl in the world" ?


Which country is called "Land of Midnight Sun" ?


Suez Canal connect ?


Which is the deepest lake ?

Lake Baikal is the largest freshwater lake in the world (by volume) and the world's deepest lake. Somewhat crescent-shaped, it is in the southern Siberia area of Russia

NIAGRA WATERFALL is located in which country ?


Landlocked Country

Landlocked countries are those whose boundaries/borders are not connected to the ocean sea. Presently there are 44 landlocked countries in the world. ASIA :-  Laos, Nepal, Kazakhstan, Bhutan, Afghanistan, Azerbaijan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, West Bank. EUROPE :- Hungary, Vetican City, Belarus, Macedonia, Serbia, Moldova, Austria, Armenia, Czech Republic, Andora, Liechtenstein, Switzerland, Luxembourg, Slovakia. AFRICA :- Swaziland, Zambia(Rhodesia),  Burkina Faso (Upper Volta), Rwanda, Burundi, Mali, Malawi, Botswana, Lesotho, Uganda, Niger, Zimbabwe (South Rhodesia), Chad, Central African Republic, Ethiopia SOUTH AMERICA:- Paraguay, Bolivia. The largest landlocked country in the world is Kazakhstan.


Due to vapourisation vapours enter into atmosphere and at condensation happens due to low temperature at height. Then clouds are formed which have raindrops. When the size of drops become 1-3 mm then it fall on the land surface. It is called rain. Rains is of three types:- Frontal or Cyclonic Rain :-    When two different types of winds meet each other, they form a frontal zone.Due to this frontal zone, hot air rise up and cause rain. Convection Rainfall :-  The rain  Which is caused by the convection process in the atmosphere is called convection rain. Hot air go up and on cooling converts into clods and rain begins. After rain cold air come down. Orographic or Relief Rainfall :- The moistured or full of humidity air rises up when it strikes with mountain or obstacles and become cool in the direction of wind, rain fall occur. On which slope rain occurs it is called windward region. While there is no rain on opposite slope and it is called rain shadow region.

Which is the lightest gas ?


In which country has the largest forest area?


Which is the highest plateau of the world ?

Tibet Plateau

180 degree longitude is also known as

The meridian at 180 longitude is commonly known as INTERNATIONAL DATE LINE.

The Earth rotates on its axis

The Earth rotates counterclockwise, from the WEST to EAST. This is also called a Prograde rotation. We know that the Earth rotates once in twenty-four hours

How many kilometers from 1°Latitude?

111 kms

Leap Year

The Revolution period of the Earth is 365 days 5 hours 48 minutes 45.51 seconds. Due to this, after four years one days is increased and in that year there are 366 days. This is called leap year. In leap year, February has 29 days. This year is completely divisible by 4. Example 2016-2020.


There are two types of speed of the Earth-  ROTATION :- Earth rotate on its axis from West to East in 23 hour 56 minute & 4 second. It is called rotation speed of the Earth. Due to this rotation days and night occur. REVOLUTION :- It takes 365 days 5 hours & 48 minutes for the Earth to revolve around the Sun. This motion  of the Earth is called revolution of motion. Due to this revolution, climate change occurs on the Earth.


Planets Mercury & Venus have no Satellites

Which is the Largest Moon of Saturn ?


Which comet appear after 76 years interval ?

Halley's Comet  or  Comet Halley , officially designated  1P/Halley ,  is a  short-period comet visible from Earth  every 75–76 years. Halley is the only known short-period  comet  that is regularly visible to the   naked eye from Earth, and thus the only naked-eye comet that can appear twice in a human lifetime.  Halley last appeared in the inner parts of the Solar System  in 1986 and will next appear in mid-2061

Supreme Court has been described in Article 124

The Indian Judiciary is single and integrated system. The Supreme Court is the highest court in Indian Judicial System. Supreme court is in New Delhi. The organization of supreme court has been described in Article 124. ORGANIZATION:- There will be one Chief Justice and 30 other Judges. APPOINTMENT  OF  JUDGES :- The President appoints the judges in consultation with chief Justice of Supreme court. QUALIFICATION OF JUDGES :- Must be a citizen of India. Must have worked in any High Court for at least 5 years or as advocate for 10 years or in the opinion of the President a distinguished jurist. TENURE AND IMPEACHMENT :- Normally a judge can remain in office till 65 years of age. A judge can be removed from office on ground of proved misbehaving and incapacity by 2/3 majority of parliament. SALARY AND ALLOWANCE:- The Salary of chief justice is Rs. 1,00,000/- per month and Rs. 90,000/- for other Judges. The salary and allowance are paid from consolidated fund of India.

DELHI EMPIRE (1206 AD - 1526 AD)

DELHI EMPIRE (1206 AD - 1526 AD) There are five dynasties of Delhi Empire Mamluk (Ghulam) Dynasty (1206 AD - 1290 AD) Khalji Dynasty (1290 AD - 1320 AD) Tughlaq Dynasty (1320 AD - 1414AD) Sayyid Dynasty (1414 AD - 1451 AD) Lodhi Dynasty (1451 AD - 1526 AD)


On 21 June, the earth is so located in its orbit that the sun is overhead on the TROPIC OF CANCER (23.5°N). On this date the northern hemisphere is tipped towards the sun having the LONGEST DAY, while the southern hemisphere is tipped away from the sun having the SHORTEST DAY.

Who was the first woman Governor of a State in free India ?

SAROJINI NAIDU was the first woman Governor of a State in free India.

10% Reservation for EWS in Andhra Pradesh

Andhra Pradesh (AP) government has issued fresh orders on 14 July 2021 for the implementation of 10% reservation for EWS in education and employment. Persons who are not covered under the existing scheme of reservations for SC,ST and social and educationally backward classes, with a gross family income below ₹ 8 Lakh per annum, will get the benefit of EWS reservation.

BHIM - UPI launched In Bhutan

Union Minister of Finance N.Sitharaman and her counterPart, Finance Minister of Bhutan, Lyonpo Namgay Tshering, jointly launched BHIM-UPI in Bhutan on 13 July 2021 virtually. Now with BHIM-UPI, Bhutan has the first country to adopt UNIFIED PAYMENT INTERFACE (UPI) standard of India for its QUICK RESPONSE (QR) code. It is also the second country after Singapore to have BHIM-UPI acceptance at merchant locations. Bhutan has also became the only country to both issue and accept RuPay cards as well as accept BHIM-UPI.

Major features of Indian Economy

Indian Economy is  an agriculture based economy. Indian Economy is a mixed economy. Indian Economy is an underdeveloped economy. Indian Economy is the developing economy.


The world's highest motorable road has been constructed at Umlingla Pass constructed at Umlingla Pass in eastern Ladakh by the Border Roads Organization (BRO) on 5 AUGUST 2021. The 52-km-long tarmac road at Umlingla Pass has been constructed at an altitude of 19300 feet. Before this, the highest motorable road was in Bolivia at 18953 ft, connecting to its volcano Uturuncu.


 The well-known southern actor Jayanthi, has passed away due to age related ailments on 26 July 2021. She was 76. Jayanthi started her acting career in 1963. She was foundly known as 'Abhinaya Sharadhe' meaning the 'Goddess of acting', in the Kannada film industry. Jayanthi won several awards including the Karnataka state Film Awards seven times and the Filmfare Awards twice.

Prof CR Rao Centenary Gold medal

Two Indian Economic scholars, Dr.Jagdish Bhagwati and Dr. C. Rangarajan have been conferred with the inaugural Prof CR Rao CENTENARY GOLD MEDAL (CGM) on 5 AUGUST 2021 by TIES Trust. The award has been constituted by the Indian Econometric Society Trust (TIES) to commemorate the contribution of Prof Rao, who is the founder of the TIES. The award will be given once in 2 years to an Indian or Indian-origin scholar for her/his lifetime contribution to the fields of quantitative economics, and official statistics.

Mini Ipe

Mini Ipe has been appointed as the Managing Director of LIFE INSURANCE CORPORATION (LIC) of India on 5 AUGUST 2021. Ipe joined LIC in 1986 as a direct recruit office. Prior to taking charge as Managing Director, she was Executive Director, Legal Department, LIC of India. Ipe was also the first woman zonal manager (In-charge) of LIC and headed the Hyderabad zone.

First Indian Bank to open branch outside India

First Indian Bank to open branch outside India in London in 1946 BANK OF INDIA & the first to open a branch in continental Europe at Paris in 1974.

Assam CM Laid Foundation of Bamboo Industrial Park

Assam Chief Minister Himanta Biswa Sarma laid the foundation stone of the first-ever Industrial Park of the Northeast at Manderdisa in Dima Hasao district of Assam on 26 July 2021. The Project will be implemented by the Ministry of DEVELOPMENT OF NORTH EASTERN REGION (DoNER Ministry) at an estimated cost at ₹50 crores, over an area covering 75 hectares. Once completed, the park will contribute to the overall economic development of the state apart from developing the bamboo-based industries.


Rajiv Gandhi Khel Ratna Award has been renamed as Major Dhyan Chand Khel Ratna Award, as per an announcement made by Prime Minister Narendra Modi 6 AUGUST 2021. It is the highest sporting honour of India and was instituted in 1991-1992 and comes with a cash prize of 25 lakh. Allahabad-born Major Dhyan Chand was legendary field hockey player, who played international hockey from 1926 to 1949, scoring over 400 goals in his career. Dhyan Chand was a part of the Olympic team that won gold medals in 1928, 1932 and 1936.


The opening ceremony of the Olympic was formally opened by the Emperor of Japan, Naruhito on July 23, 2021, at Olympic Stadium, Tokyo. The theme of Olympic ceremonies was MOVING FORWARD. The ceremony's first performance showcased Japan's experience in digital art and projection mapping technology. For the first time, each team had the option to allow two flag bearers, one male and one female, to promote gender equality. Tokyo Ska Paradise Orchestra was performed during the Closing Ceremony of the Tokyo Olympic Games 2020 at Olympic Stadium.

LORD MAYO (1869-1872)

LORD MAYO (1869-1872) was the only Viceroy to be murdered in office by a convict in ANDAMAN in 1872.

The Largest Lake in Africa is


In which year did the Right to Information Act came into force ?

Right to Information Act came into force at 2005


Nishat Garden Srinagar ( Nishat bagh - means garden of joy) is the second largest Mughal garden in the kashmir valley on the eastern side of Dal lake.. The garden was designed and built in AD 1633 by  Asif khan , elder brother of Nur Jehan, the wife of Mugal Emperor Jahangir.


FIRST  ANGLO MYSORE WAR (1767-1769 A.D.) Hyder Ali defeated the English forces. The TREATY OF MADRAS (1769) signed. SECOND ANGLO MYSORE WAR (1780-1784 AD) Hyder Ali died in the battle (1782) and subsequently led by his son Tipu Sultan . The war concluded with the TREATY OF MANGALORE (1784). THIRD ANGLO MYSORE WAR (1789-1792 AD) The English forces defeated Tipu Sultan TREATY OF SRIRANYAPATNAM was signed (1792). FOURTH ANGLO MYSORE WAR (1798-1799) Tipu Sultan was defeated And killed by the English forces.


Binary Digit :- 1Bit Byte :- 1Byte = 8Bits Kilo Byte (KB) :- 1 KB  =  1024 Bytes Mega Byte (MB) :- 1 MB = 1024 KB Giga Byte (GB)  :- 1 GB = 1024 MB Tera Byte (TB)  :- 1 TB = 1024 GB Peta Byte (PB) :- 1 PB = 1024 TB Exa Byte (EB) :-  1 EB = 1024 PB Zetta Byte (ZB) :- 1 ZB = 1024 EB Yotta Byte (YB) :- 1 YB = 1024 ZB Bronto Byte (Brontobyte) :- 1 Bronto Byte = 1024 YB Geop Byte (Geopbyte) :- 1 Geop Byte = 1024 Brontobytes


The active volcano in the BARREN ISLAND of the ANDAMAN and NICOBAR ISLAND . DORMANT VOLCANOES in the NARCONDAM ISLAND , now believed to be active after TSUNAMI  of December 2004, ( ANDAMAN AND NICOBAR).

High sea Tide occur at an interval of

12 Hours 26 Minutes.


Lord Wellesley brought the CENSORSHIP OF PRESS ACT, 1799 The idea was to stop the French from publishing anything which could harm British in any way. This act brought all the newspaper under the Government scrutiny before their publication. This act was later extended in 1807 and covered all kinds of Press Publications newspaper, magazine, books and pamphlets. The rules were relaxed when Lord Hastings Came into powe.

Quadrilateral Security Dialogue (Quad)

 Quadrilateral Security Dialogue (Quad)is the informal strategic dialogue between India, USA, Japan and Australia. Objective: to ensure and support a “free, open and prosperous” Indo-Pacific region. News: The Prime Minister addressed the first summit of the leaders of the QUAD (Quadrilateral Framework). The meeting was hosted by the USA on a virtual platform. India’s Stand: Called the meet an extension of the ancient Indian philosophy ‘Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam’, which regards the world as one family. Background: back in 2004 Tsunami when India conducted relief and rescue operations for itself and neighbouring countries and was joined by Japan, the US and Australia.

Mandi Pin Code


Manali Pin Code


Una Pin Code


Kullu Pin Code


Shimla Pin Code


Solan Pin Code


Hamirpur Pin Code


Chamba Pin code


Dharamsala Pin Code




Joginder Nagar Pin code


Baijnath (Himachal Pradesh ) Pin code


Meghalaya has informed that the resurgence of the African Swine Fever (ASF)

 Meghalaya has informed that the resurgence of the African Swine Fever (ASF) has killed over 300 pigs in the last month.  Meghalaya had also witnessed the outbreak of African Swine Fever in May and November last year and again during Mid-April in 2021.                                                                                                                                                                                                                      What is African Swine Fever? African Swine Fever (ASF) is a deadly, highly contagious hemorrhagic viral disease that affects domestic and wild pigs. The fatality rate of the disease is 100 per cent. The disease is transmitted through direct contact with an infected alive or dead domestic or wild pigs, and also indirect contact or ingestion of contaminated material like feed or garbage, food waste, ticks, or pork products. The symptoms of African Swine Fever may be similar to Classical Swine Fever (CSF), hence the test samples sh

Facts About Israel’s Iron Dome

Iron Dome is a ground-to-air, short-range, air defence system.  It includes a radar interceptor missiles that can track and neutralize any missiles or rockets that are aimed at Israeli targets.  The Iron Dome is used for countering artillery and mortars (C-RAM), rockets as well as helicopters, aircraft and even unmanned aerial vehicles. The Iron Dome has detection and tracking radar that can spot any incoming threats, a battle management and weapon control system (BMC) and a missile-firing unit. The BMC liaises between the interceptor missile and the radar. The Iron Dome of Israel was deployed in 2011.

Bura Chapori Wildlife Sanctuary

Bura Chapori Wildlife Sanctuary is a protected area located in the state of Assam in India.  This wildlife sanctuary covers 44.06 km², on the south bank of the Brahmaputra River in Sonitpur district.  The area was declared a Reserved forest in 1974, it became a sanctuary in 1995. It is one of the protected site under Indian Rhino Vision 2020 program.


UNION PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION                       PRESS NOTE  RESCHEDULING OF THE CIVIL SERVICES (PRELIMINARY) EXAMINATION, 2021 Due to the prevailing conditions caused by the Novel Corona Virus ( COVID -19), the UNION PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION has deferred the civil services (Preliminary) Examination , 2021, which was Scheduled to be held on 27th June, 2021. Now, this Examination will be held on 10th October, 2021.

Which is the area wise largest and Smallest district of Chhattisgarh ?

Area wise the largest District of CHHATTISGARH is BASTER while DURG is the smallest district.

Which is the area wise smallest district of Chhattisgarh ?

Area wise smallest district of Chhattisgarh is DURG DISTRICT.

Which is the area wise largest district of Chhattisgarh ?

 Area wise largest district of Chhattisgarh is BASTER  DISTRICT.

Starlink broadband satellites

Starlink broadband satellites is a network of satellites that have been engineered by SpaceX to provide low-cost internet to remote locations. These satellites are placed over 60 times closer to Earth than traditional satellites. SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket🚀 Falcon 9 rocket has been designed and manufactured by SpaceX, an American aerospace manufacturer and space transportation services company owned by Elon Musk. Falcon 9 rocket is the world’s first orbital-class two-stage, a reusable rocket built to transport people and supplies into Earth orbit and beyond.


Uttar Pradesh :- Lucknow Uttarakhand :- Dehradun Assam :- Dispur  Arunachal Pradesh :- Itanagar  Nagaland :- Kohima Manipur :- Imphal  Tripura :- Agartala Mizoram :- Aizawl Meghalaya :- Shillong Sikkim :- Gangtok Andhra Pradesh :- Hyderabad  ( Amaravati) Odisha (Orissa) :- Bhubaneswar West Bengal :- Kolkata Karnataka :- Bengaluru Kerala :- Thiruvananthapuram Gujarat :- Gandhinagar Goa :- Panaji  Maharashtra :- Mumbai Tamil Nadu :- Chennai Madhya Pradesh :- Bhopal Jharkhand :- Ranchi Chhattisgarh :- Raipur Bihar :- Patna  Haryana :- Chandigarh  Himachal Pradesh :- Shimla  Punjab :- Chandigarh Rajasthan :- Jaipur


Panchayat Raj was Constitutionalised through the 73rd Constitutional Amendment of 1992. The bill was passed by the Lok Sabha on 22 December, 1992. Later it was approved by the 17 State assemblies and received the assent of the President on April 23,  1993.

Which is the area wise largest and Smallest district of Madhya Pradesh ?

 Area wise the largest District of Madhya Pradesh is CHHINDWARA while BHOPAL is the smallest district.

Which is the area wise smallest district of Madhya Pradesh ?

 Area wise smallest district of Madhya Pradesh is BHOPAL.

Which is the area wise largest district of Madhya Pradesh ?

Area wise largest district of Madhya Pradesh is  CHHINDWARA.

Big Trunk Route:: Northern Atlantic Sea Route

  👉The Northern Atlantic Sea Route covers one fourth of the world’s foreign trade; so, it is the busiest sea route in the world and popularly known as the Big Trunk Route. 👉The route links North Eastern USA and North Western Europe, two most developed regions of the world.  👉Textiles, chemicals, steel and wine are exported to USA and Canada. 👉Meat, wood pulp, copper and transport machinery moves towards Europe. 👉The foreign trade over this route is greater than the rest of the world combined.


National Animal :- The Magnificent Tiger,Panthers tigris. National Bird :- The Indian Peacock , Pavo cristatus. National flower :- Lotus ( Nelumbo Nucifera Gaertn). National Tree :-  The Banyan Tree ( Ficus benghalensis). National Fruit :- Mango ( Mangifera  Indica.) National Aquatic Animal :- The Mammal  Gangetic Dol - phin. ( Platanista Gangetica).


 The Delimitation Commission is appointed by The President of India and work in collaboration with the Election Commission of India.  FUNCTIONS :- To determine the number and boundaries of Constituencies to make Population of all  Constituencies nearly equal. To identify seats reserved for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes, wherever their Population is relatively large.


 MAURYA EMPIRE :-. 322 BC - 185 BC  GUPTA EMPIRE :- 320 AD - 550 AD  THE MUGHAL EMPIRE  :- 1526 AD - 1857 AD  CHOLA EMPIRE :-  301 BC - 1279 AD  MARATHA EMPIRE :- 1674 AD - 1820 AD  KHILJI EMPIRE :-. 1290 AD - 1320 AD  BRITISH EMPIRE :-  1858 AD - 1947 AD  TUGHLAQ DYNASTY :-   1320 AD - 1414 AD  INDO - GREEK KINGDOM :- 180 BC - 10 AD  SATAVAHANA DYNASTY :- 230 BC - 199AD 

Which is the area wise largest and Smallest district , also most populated and least Populated district of Rajasthan?

There are 33 district in Rajasthan of which JAISALMER  is the largest while DHOLPUR ( DHAULPUR) is the smallest district in terms of Area. According to Population, JAIPUR is most populated while JAISALMER is the least Populated.

Which is populated district of Rajasthan ?

 According to Population, JAIPUR district is most populated while JAISALMER district is the least Populated.

Which is the area wise Largest and smallest district of Rajasthan ?

 Area wise the largest District of Rajasthan is JAISALMER while DHOLPUR ( DHAULPUR) is the smallest district.

Which is the smallest district of Rajasthan ?

Smallest district of Rajasthan is DHOLPUR (DHAULPUR) District.

Which is the Largest district of RAJASTHAN ?



Biodiesel is an alternative fuel that is similar to fossil diesel. Biodiesel can be produced from animal fats, vegetable oil, and waste cooking oil. A major advantage of Biodiesel is its carbon-neutrality, meaning that the oilseed absorbs the same amount of CO2 as is released when the fuel is combusted in a vehicle.  Biodiesel is also completely non-toxic and is biodegradable.

Few Important Definitions Related to Poverty

 Poverty Line:  The conventional approach to measuring poverty is to specify a minimum expenditure (or income) required to purchase a basket of goods and services necessary to satisfy basic human needs and this minimum expenditure is called the poverty line. Poverty Line Basket:  The basket of goods and services necessary to satisfy basic human needs is the Poverty Line Basket (PLB). Poverty Ratio: The proportion of the population below the poverty line is called the poverty ratio or headcount ratio (HCR).

Which is the Largest and smallest district of Punjab ?

Area wise the largest District of Punjab is AMRITSAR while PATHANKOT is the smallest district.

Which is the smallest district of Punjab ?

Smallest district of Punjab is PATHANKOT.

Which is the Largest district of Punjab ?

Largest district of Punjab is AMRITSAR.


 Information as a public good is the theme for the occasion this year.  According to Reporters without Borders, India rank 142 in World Press freedom in 2021 out of 180 countries.

Rowlatt Act and Satyagraha

 Rowlatt Act and Satyagraha The Rowlatt Act (Anarchial & Revolutionary Crimes Act 1919) was a legislative act that allowed certain political cases to be tried without the presence of a jury and permitted internment of suspects without any trial. This is the time when Mahatma Gandhi came to light as a revolutionary and organised ‘Rowlatt Satyagraha’, starting with a general strike or Hartal on 6 April. The worst violent incident was the massacre of Jallianwalla bagh in Amritsar on 13 April, where General Dyer opened fire on a peaceful gathering of satyagrahis, killing 379 people, in a bid to break their morale. Mahatma Gandhi renounced his ‘Kaiser-i-Hind’. On April 18, 1919, Gandhi withdrew the movement and termed it as the ‘Himalayan Blunder’.


Largest constituency (area wise) :- Ladakh Smallest constituency ( area wise):-  Chandni chowk Largest constituency ( electors wise) :- Malkajgiri Smallest constituency (electors wise):- Lakshadweep

Which is the Largest and smallest district of Jharkhand ?

 Areas wise the largest district of Jharkhand is RANCHI while  RAMGARH is the smallest district.

Which is the smallest district of JHARKHAND ?

Smallest district of JHARKHAND  is RAMGARH.

Which is the Largest district of JHARKHAND ?

Largest District of JHARKHAND is RANCHI.


 ARTICLE 31A Saving of laws providing for acquisition of estates, etc. (1) Notwithstanding  anything contained in article 13, no law providing for: (a) the acquisition by the State of any estate or of any rights therein or the extinguishment or modification of any such rights, or  (b) the taking over of the management of any property by the State for a limited period either in the public interest or in order to secure the proper management of the property, or  (c) the amalgamation of two or more corporations either in the public interest or in order to secure the proper management of any of the corporations, or  (d) the extinguishment or modification of any rights of managing agents, secretaries and treasurers, managing directors, directors or managers of corporations, or of any voting rights of shareholders thereof, or  (e) the extinguishment or modification of any rights accruing by virtue of any agreement, lease or licence for the purpose of searching for, or winning, any mineral or


 WE, THE PEOPLE OF INDIA, having solemnly resolved to constitute India into a SOVEREIGN SOCIALIST SECULAR DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC and to secure to all its citizens: JUSTICE, social, economic and political;  LIBERTY of thought, expression, belief, faith and worship;  EQUALITY of status and of opportunity;  and to promote among them all  FRATERNITY assuring the dignity of the individual and the unity and integrity of the Nation;  IN OUR CONSTITUENT ASSEMBLY this twenty-sixth day of November, 1949, do HEREBY ADOPT, ENACT AND GIVE TO OURSELVES THIS CONSTITUTION.

Which is the Largest and smallest district of Odisha?

 Area wise the largest district of ODISHA is MAYURBHANU while JAGATSINGHPUR is the smallest district.

Which is the Smallest district of Odisha ?

 Smallest district of Odisha is JAGATSINGHPUR.

Which is the Largest district of Odisha ?

 Largest District of Odisha is MAYURBHANJ.

Which is the Largest and smallest district of Tripura ?

 Area wise the largest district of TRIPURA is DHALAI while UNAKOTI is the Smallest district.

Which is the smallest district of Tripura ?

 Smallest district of Tripura is UNAKOTI

Which is the Largest district of Tripura ?

 Largest District of Tripura is DHALAI.

Which is the Largest and smallest district of Meghalaya ?

 Area wise the largest district of Meghalaya is WEST KHASI HILLS while SOUTH WEST  GARO HILLS is the smallest district.

Which is the smallest district of Meghalaya ?

 Smallest district of Meghalaya is SOUTH WEST GARO HILLS.

Which is the Largest district of MEGHALAYA ?

 WEST KHASI HILLS is the Largest district of MEGHALAYA .

Which is the Largest and smallest district of INDIA ?

 Area wise the largest district of INDIA is KACHCHH (GUJARAT) while MAHE (PONDICHERRY)  is the smallest district.

Which is the Smallest district of INDIA ?

 smallest district of INDIA is MAHE (PONDICHERRY) .

Which is the largest District of INDIA ?

 Largest District of INDIA is KACHCHH (Gujarat).

Which is the Largest and smallest district of Mizoram ?

 Area wise the largest district of Mizoram is LUNGLEI while SERCHHIP  is the Smallest district.

Which is the Smallest district of Mizoram ?

 Smallest district of Mizoram is SERCHHIP .

Which is the Largest district of Mizoram ?

 Largest District of Mizoram is LUNGLEI.

Which is the Largest and smallest district of Nagaland ?

 Area wise the largest district of Nagaland is TUENSANG while LONGLENG is the smallest district.

Which is the Largest district of Nagaland ?

 Largest District of Nagaland is TUENSANG.

Which is the Smallest district of Nagaland ?

 Smallest district of Nagaland is LONGLENG.

Which is the Largest and smallest district of West Bengal ?

 Area wise the largest district of West Bengal is SOUTH 24 PARAGANAS while KOLKATA is the Smallest district.

Which is the smallest district of West Bengal ?

Smallest district of West Bengal is KOLKATA.

Which is the Largest District of West Bengal ?

 Largest District of West Bengal is SOUTH 24 PARAGANAS.

Which is the Largest and smallest district of Manipur ?

 Area wise the largest district of Manipur is CHURACHANDPUR  while JIRIBAM is the smallest district.

Which is the Largest District of Manipur ?

 CHURACHANDPUR is the Largest District of  Manipur.

Which is the smallest district of Manipur ?

 JIRIBAM is the smallest district of Manipur.

Which is the Largest and smallest district of Assam ?

 Area wise the largest district of Assam is KARBI ANGLONG while SOUTH MANKACHAR  is the Smallest district.

Which is the Smallest district of Assam ?

 Smallest district of Assam is SOUTH MANKACHAR.

Which is the Largest District of Assam ?

 Largest District of Assam is KARBI ANGLONG.

Which is the Largest and smallest district of Arunachal Pradesh ?

 Area wise the largest district of Arunachal Pradesh is EAST SIANG while LOWER DIBANG VALLEY is the Smallest district.

Which is the Largest District of Arunachal Pradesh ?

 Largest District of Arunachal Pradesh is EAST SIANG.

Which is the Smallest district of Arunachal Pradesh?

Smallest district of Arunachal Pradesh is LOWER DIBANG VALLEY.

Which is the Largest and smallest district of Sikkim ?

 Area wise the largest district of Sikkim is NORTH SIKKIM while SOUTH SIKKIM is the Smallest district

Which is the Smallest district of Sikkim ?

Smallest district of Sikkim is SOUTH SIKKIM.

Which is the Largest District of Sikkim ?

 Largest District of Sikkim is  NORTH SIKKIM .

Which is the largest and smallest district of Bihar ?

 Area wise the largest district of Bihar is PATNA and SHEOHAR is the smallest district.

Which is the smallest district of Bihar ?

 Smallest district of Bihar is SHEOHAR

Which is the largest district of Bihar ?

 Largest District of Bihar is PATNA

Which is the Largest and Smallest district of Uttarakhand ?

 Area wise the largest district of Uttarakhand is UTTARKASHI while CHAMPAWAT is the smallest district.

Which is the Smallest district of Uttarakhand ?

 Smallest district of Uttarakhand is CHAMPAWAT.

Which is the Largest District of Uttarakhand ?

 Largest District of Uttarakhand is UTTARKASHI.

Which is the Largest and smallest district of Uttar Pradesh ?

 Area wise the largest district of Uttar Pradesh is LAKHIMPUR KHERI while BHADOHI is the smallest district.

Which is the Smallest district of Uttar Pradesh ?

 Smallest district of Uttar Pradesh is BHADOHI.

Which is the Largest District of Uttar Pradesh?

 Largest District of Uttar Pradesh is LAKHIMPUR KHERI.

Which is the Largest and smallest state of USA ?

 Area wise the largest state of USA is ALASKA while RHODE ISLAND is the smallest state.

Which is the Smallest district of Haryana ?

Smallest district of Haryana is FARIDABAD.

Which is the Largest and smallest district of Himachal Pradesh ?

 Area wise the largest District of Himachal Pradesh is LAHAUL-SPITI  while HAMIRPUR  is the smallest district.

Which is the Largest District of Haryana ?

 Largest District of Haryana is SIRSA.

Which is the Largest and smallest district of Haryana ?

 Area wise the largest district of Haryana is SIRSA while FARIDABAD is the smallest district.

Which is the Smallest district of Himachal Pradesh ?

 Smallest district of Himachal Pradesh is HAMIRPUR.

Which is the Largest District of Himachal Pradesh ?

Largest District of Himachal Pradesh is LAHAUL-SPITI.

Which is the Smallest state of USA

 Smallest state of USA is RHODE ISLAND.

Which is the Largest state of USA ?

 Largest state of USA is ALASKA

The shortest tenure of chief justice of India

 The shortest tenure of chief justice of India , so far of KAMAL NARAIN SINGH (25TH November 1991-12TH December 1991).

Longest Tenure of chief justice of India

 The longest Tenure of chief justice of India, So far is of  JUSTICE YU CHANDRACHUD (1978-1985).

The first chief justice of India

 The first chief justice of India was HJ KANIA (1950-1951).

The first Speaker to die in the Lok Sabha office.

 GMC BALYOGI is the first Speaker to die in the office (1998-2002).

Longest serving speaker of Lok Sabhaabha

 Dr.BALRAM JAKHAR was the longest serving speaker (1980-1989)

First Deputy Speaker of Lok Sabha

 M.A.AYYANGAR was the first Deputy Speaker of Lok Sabha (1952-1956)

First Speaker of the Lok Sabha

 G V MAVLANKAR was the first Speaker of the Lok Sabha (1952-1956).


 SRI LANKA is separated from INDIA by a narrow channel of sea formed by PULK STRAIT & GULF OF MANNAR

Shimla (Himachal Pradesh)

Shimla is the capital of Himachal Pradesh.   Shimla was made summer capital and army headquarters[1865-1939]. From 1947-1953 it was headquarters of Punjab state, until the new capital city of Chandigarh  was completed. 

Rivers in Himachal Pradesh

Beas :-  The Beas rises in the  Pir Panjal  range near the  Rooting Pass and flows about 256 kilometres (159 mi) in Himachal Pradesh.  Chenab :- Largest river (in terms of volume of water) is formed after the meeting of two streams namely, Chandra and Bhaga at Tandi, in Lahaul. It flows 122 kilometres (76 mi) and covers an area of 7,500 square kilometres (2,900 sq mi).  Ravi:- Bara Banghal, kangra district as a joint stream formed by the glacier fead Bhadal and Tantgari. The river is about 158 kilometres (98 mi) long and has a catchment area of nearly 5,451 square kilometres (2,105 sq mi).  Sutlej:- originates in distant Tibet. The river cuts through both the great Himalayan and the Zaskar ranges and crosses the Indo-Tibetan border (near Shipkila). The catchment area of Sutlej in Himachal Pradesh is about 20,000 square kilometres (7,700 sq mi).  Yamuna:-  Its origin in Yamunotri in Uttarkashi district, Uttarakhand . Its total catchment area in Himachal Pradesh is 2,320 square kilometre


Longest River :- Sutlej [  20,000 square kilometres (7,700 sq mi)] &  Smallest River :- Yamuna [ 2,320 square kilometres (900 sq mi)]


 The Rajya Sabha is composed of not more than 250 members of whom 12 are nominated by the President and 238 are representatives of the States and the Union Territories elected by the method of indirect election. 

Oath and resignation

 PRESIDENT:-  Chief Justice of Supreme Court (Oath)  Vice-President (Resignation)  VICE-PRESIDENT:-  President (Oath)  President (Resignation).  GOVERNOR:- Chief Justice of High Court (Oath)  President (Resignation)  CHIEF JUSTICE OF INDIA :- President (Oath)  President (Resignation)  PRIME MINISTER:- President (Oath)  President (Resignation)  SPEAKER OF LOK SABHA:- No oath Deputy Speaker (Resignation). 

Idea of Constitution Assembly for India

 Idea of Constituent Assembly for India was put forward for time by M.N.Roy in 1934


 GOVERNMENT OF INDIA ACT OF 1935:- Federal Scheme, office of Governor, judiciary, Public Service Commission, Emergency Provisions and administrative details.  BRITISH CONSTITUTION :-  Parliamentary form of government, Rule of Law, Legislative Procedure, Single Citizenship, cabinet System, Prerogative write, Parliamentary privilege and Bicameralism.  USA CONSTITUTION :- Fundamental Rights, Independence of judiciary, judicial review, impeachment of the President, removal of Supreme Court and High Court judge's and post of vice-president and his role as the chairman of the Rajya Sabha.  IRISH CONSTITUTION :- Directive Principal of State Policy, nomination of members to Rajya Sabha and method of election of President.  CANADIAN CONSTITUTION:- Federation with a strong  Center, Getting of residuary powers in the Center, appointment of state Governors by the Center and advisory jurisdiction of the Supreme Court.  AUSTRALIAN CONSTITUTION:- Concurrent List, Freedom of trade, commerce and in


First five year plan (1951-1956)  Second five year plan(1956-1961)  Third five year plan(1961-1966)  Fourth five year plan(1969-1974)  Fifth five year plan(1974-1979)  Sixth five year plan(1980-1985)  Seventh five year plan(1985-1990)  Eighth five year plan(1992-1997)  Ninth five year plan(1997-2002)  Tenth five year plan(2002-2007)  Eleventh five year plan(2007-2012)  Twelfth five year plan(2012-2017) 

President of India died in the office

 The first and only President who died in the office, was Dr. Zamir Hussain. He was also the President with shortest tenure (13-05-1967  to   03-05-1969). He was also the vice-president of India (1962-1967).