
Due to vapourisation vapours enter into atmosphere and at condensation happens due to low temperature at height. Then clouds are formed which have raindrops. When the size of drops become 1-3 mm then it fall on the land surface. It is called rain. Rains is of three types:-

Frontal or Cyclonic Rain :-  When two different types of winds meet each other, they form a frontal zone.Due to this frontal zone, hot air rise up and cause rain.

Convection Rainfall :-  The rain Which is caused by the convection process in the atmosphere is called convection rain. Hot air go up and on cooling converts into clods and rain begins. After rain cold air come down.

Orographic or Relief Rainfall :- The moistured or full of humidity air rises up when it strikes with mountain or obstacles and become cool in the direction of wind, rain fall occur.

On which slope rain occurs it is called windward region. While there is no rain on opposite slope and it is called rain shadow region.
