Important Facts about Universe.

Biggest Planet:- Jupiter. 

Biggest Satellite:- Ganymede (Jupiter). 

Blue Planet:- Earth. 

Green Planet:- Uranus. 

Brightest Planet:- Venus. 

Brightest Planet and outside Solar System:- Sirius (Dog Star). 

Closest Star of Solar System:- Proxima Centauri. 

Coldest Planet:- Neptune. 

Evening Star:- Venus. 

Farthest Planet from Sun:- Neptune. 

Planet with maximum number of Satellites:- Saturn(Overtaking Jupiter). 

Fastest revolution in Solar System:- Mercury. 

Hottest Planet:- Venus. 

Densest Planet:- Earth. 

Fastest rotation in Solar System:- Jupiter. 

Morning Star:- Venus. 

Nearest Planet to Earth:- Venus. 

Nearest Planet to Sun:- Mercury. 

Red Planet:- Mars. 

Slowest Revolution in Solar System:- Neptune. 

Slowest Rotation in Solar System:- Neptune. 

Smallest Planet:- Mercury. 

Smallest Satellite:- Deimos(Mars). 

Earth's Twin:- Venus. 

Only Satellite with an atmosphere like Earth:- Titan. 
