India-Pakistan Border

The  boundary  starts from Kashmir, passing  through  Punjab,  western  Rajasthan and extends up to Kutch region of Gujarat. 

The length  of boundary  which  events extends  from Punjab  to Gujarat  via Rajasthan  being  3,323 km happens to be the second longest  border   after  that of India -Bangladesh.

Sutlej  &  Ravi from natural boundary between India & Pakistan. Ravi river acts as a boundary line in Amritsar  district of Punjab while Sutlej River creates boundary line between  India and Pakistan, towards  South of Firozpur district.

Radcliffe  Line

After  partying,  on 17th August, 1947 the boundary  demarcated between India and Pakistan is known as Radcliffe Line.  This line was determined by the  Border Commission.

As Cyrillic Radcliffe  was the President  of the  Commission, the boundary  line between  India  & Pakistan  is named after  him. 

Today,  it's western part still serves as the Indo-Pakistan border and the  eastern part serves as the Indo-Bangladesh border.

The commission had to separate  the Punjab and Bengal province on the basis of Hindu and Muslim population.

Line of Control (LoC) 

The term Line of Control (LOC( refers to the  military  control line  between India  and Pakistan occupied parts of the former  princely  state of Jammu and Kashmir.

The line does not constitute a legally recognized international  boundary, but remains the  de-facto border, originally being  Cease-Fire Line. 

It was re-designated as LoC following the Shimla agreement on 3rd July, 1972.

Pakistan  Occupied Kashmir  (POK) 

With the help of local tribal people, Pakistan  attacked Kashmir  in 1947 and acquired  a large area. The occupied land came to be known as POK. 

This part of land still remains under the  acquisition of Pakistan. Muzaffarabad is the capital of  PoK. 
