Chandrayaan - 3. Spacecraft

 India becomes fourth country to land on the moon, first on the south pole, with Chandrayaan-3 spacecraft.

Some important facts about CHANDRAYAAN-3:

Chandrayaan-3 launch site: Satish Dhawan Space Centre, Sriharikota

- Launcher for Chandrayaan-3: GSLV-Geosynchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle

- Propulsion module mass: 2148 kg

- Lander and Rover mission life: One lunar day (equivalent to 14 Earth days)

- Lander and Rover names: Vikram and Pragyaan (carried over from Chandrayaan-2)

- Mission goal: Soft landing on the Moon's south pole

- Launch date: 14th July 2023

- Unique feature: Soft landing on Moon's south pole (unlike other nation's lunar missions)

- Weights: Propulsion module - 2148 kg, Lander and Rover - 1752 kg each, Total weight - 3900 kg

- Mission cost: 600 crore less than Chandrayaan-2
