
Showing posts from July, 2022

West Flowing Rivers in India

 Narmada (1057 km) :-  Has only  1/10th part in Gujarat,  Rises in Amarkantak Plateau and flows into Gulf of Mannar.  It forms the famous Dhuan Dhar Falls near  Jabalpur.  Main tributaries :- Horan,  Burhner,  Banjar,  Shar,  Shakkar,  Tawa, etc. Tapti River (724 km) :- Rises from Betul distt in Maharashtra also known as twin or handmaid of Narmada. Main tributaries: purna, Betul, Arunavati, Ganjal etc. Sabarmati River (416 km) :- Rises from Aravallis in Rajasthan. Mahi River (560 km) :- Rises from Vindhyas in Maharashtra Luni River (495 km) :- Rises from Aravallis. Also called Salt River. It is finally lost in the marshy grounds at the head of the Rann of kuchchh.

Indus Valley Civilization Script

The script is not alphabetical but pictographic  (about  600+  undeciphered pictographs). The script  has not been deciphered so far,  but overlaps of  letters  show that  it was  written  from  right  to  left  in the  first  line and left  to right  in the  second  line.  This style  is called  ' Boustrophedon'.